Minutes – April 13th, 2021


Meeting Minutes Tuesday April 13th, 2021

The meeting of the BPKSA was called to order at 3:30pm by Ben in Zoom Virtual Meeting. Minimum quorum of 4 executive members reached.

In Attendance:

Ben Chang ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. President

Nicole Whittle ………………………………………………………………. Kin Department Representative

Galvin Huen ………………………………………………………………….. Bif Department Representative

Josh Ham …………………………………………………………………………….. SFSS Forum Representative

Emily Boyco ………………………………………………………… External Relations Officer & Secretory

Rose Sheikh-Bahaie ………………………………………………………………… Promotional Coordinator

Sana Mohammadi Sarband …………………………………………………………….. DSU Representative

Simran Prashar

Sarra Pirmohamed

Richelle Carter

Sherilyn Chung

Kashish Mehta

Jordan Scott

Open Issues:

1) Approval of Previous Minutes
– Simran motioned to approve the meeting minutes of 2021-04-06. Nicole seconded.

Minutes approved unanimously.

2) SFSS Council Motions:
– SFU Black Caucus Statement & BPKSA Response

o The BPKSA has decided on some edits to the rough draft of the BPKSA’s statement

o Ben will reach out to other science DSUs for their opinion of the BPKSA making a statement before the final statement is released

– Council Renumeration Proposal
o The BPKSA discussed concerns about accountability and where the money for

the pay raise would be coming from.

o If Josh feels there is enough discussion of future reform and accountability, the BPKSA would like him to vote in favor. If not, the BPKSA would like him to vote against.

3) Year End Party:
– Grant has been approved to cover $15 in food per person – advertise reimbursement for

food for first 25 people
o The BPKSA will cover $20/person for food costs (for up to 25 people) by

contributing an additional $5 per person from core
o Those who are reimbursed for food will need to fill in their info and provide their

receipt on a Google Form. They will then receive an etransfer later.

  • –  Continue to push advertising
  • –  Nicole has obtained Spatial Chat for the event as well
    o Thus, there is no cost to the BPKSA for using Spatial Chat
  • –  Will add to Weekly Digest, get event sent out to faculty
  • –  Schedule:
  • –  Finalize Event/Schedule, prizingo 6-6:05:Welcoming
    o 6-6:25: Two Truths and a Lie

    • ▪  We would like to split people into smaller groups for this (assuming enough people attend)
    • ▪  Then, we would like to have each group nominate someone to share their 2 truths and a lie to the entire groupo Trivia
    • ▪  Richelle and Nicole will work on this & run it on the day of the evento Object Scavenger Hunt
      ▪ Kashish and Sherilyn will work on this & run it on the day of the event

      4) SUS/DSU/SFSS Updates:

– n/a

5) Miscellaneous: – n/a




The meeting of the BPKSA was adjourned by Ben at 4:39pm in the BPK Virtual Zoom Meeting. The next meeting will be held on Zoom on a date to be announced (link will be distributed via email prior to the meeting).