Minutes – April 6th, 2021


Meeting Minutes Tuesday April 6th, 2021

The meeting of the BPKSA was called to order at 3:30pm by Ben in Zoom Virtual Meeting. Minimum quorum of 4 executive members reached.

In Attendance:

Ben Chang ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. President

Nicole Whittle ………………………………………………………………. Kin Department Representative

Galvin Huen ………………………………………………………………….. Bif Department Representative

Josh Ham …………………………………………………………………………….. SFSS Forum Representative

Emily Boyco ………………………………………………………… External Relations Officer & Secretory

Rose Sheikh-Bahaie ………………………………………………………………… Promotional Coordinator

Sana Mohammadi Sarband …………………………………………………………….. DSU Representative

Simran Prashar

Sarra Pirmohamed

Richelle Carter

Anastasia Pavlenkova

Sherilyn Chung

Kashish Mehta

Open Issues:

1) Approval of Previous Minutes
– Nicole motioned to approve the meeting minutes of 2021-03-30. Simran seconded.

Minutes approved unanimously.

2) Year End Party:
– Grant changes

o Max $15/per person to cover food as per regulations surrounding grants.
o Thus,whatwewilldoforourgrant(toeditthepreviousgrant):istotalof25

people, cover $15/person to cover food o Ben will submit this.

  • –  We will cover $20/person for food costs (for up to 25 people) o Wewillcontribute$100fromcore
  • –  Event schedule o April29th

o Length ▪

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

of event:
Tentative timing: 6-8:00pm

  • Start of event would involve chatting, mingling, getting started
  • End of event: raffle / prize
    Give initial 5mins for people to trickle into vent
    6:05ish: give little speech on the layout of the event
    6:05-6:15: do initial icebreaker
    In the background throughout the night, we will have some trivia contest which they must m=submit by a certain time (ie. 7:30pm)

• We will draw a winner for that 7:30ish: time to eat and chat

o What activities do we want?
▪ Initial icebreaker ideas:

  • 2 truths one lie
    o Could split into groups of 3 or 4 (group would always bechanging as you move thru spatial chat)
  • Something where participants share an interesting fact aboutthemselves
  • Trying to answer Qs about profs via referencing their bioso Could do trivia on this as well (for opportunity to win a prize)
  • Jackbox game where you answer Qs (BPK themed Qs) & have to pick out which fact if incorrect▪ Get-to-know profs event
    ▪ Towards the end of the night:

• Multiple different activity choices:
o Ie. choose between codenames, Jackbox, etc.

▪ Trivia-style game

  • In the background throughout the night (on profs)
  • Split everyone into teams (music trivia)o Whatprizingdowewanttoinclude?
  • ▪  We have ~$400-500 we can spend on prizing
  • ▪  Anyone who attended the event prior to the draw will be entered to winthe prize(s)
  • ▪  Gift cards
  • ▪  Frisbees?
  • –  Advertising
    o Rose + Maddy will set up a save the date
    o We want to start advertise ASAP (before exams)! o We hope to advertise a rough event schedule
  • –  Eventbrite use for attendees o Ben will set up

o First 25 people to register (who actually attend the event and who submit a receipt)

▪ we may be able to reimburse additional food costs for additional people if we have more people who attend (this would be from our core funding)

3) SFSS Council Motions:
– Black Caucus Statement

o Points we want to include in the BPKSA’s statement on this topic:

  • ▪  Call to release the full report – BPKSA is in favor
  • ▪  The BKPSA’s statement will include support for SFU Black Caucus & theirpush to have the full report released.
  • ▪  Call to encourage people to speak out if they see instances of systematicracism at SFU. Also, let students know they can reach out to the BPKSA. They can reach out to the BPKSA & tell us where they feel they are not being adequately supported

• The BPKSA’s role is to advocate for students! – Council Renumeration Proposal

4) SUS/DSU/SFSS Updates: – Updated exec list

5) Miscellaneous: – n/a




The meeting of the BPKSA was adjourned by Ben at 4:46pm in the BPK Virtual Zoom Meeting. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 13th, 2021 at 3:30 pm on Zoom (link will be distributed via email prior to the meeting).