Minutes – July 22nd, 2021


Meeting Minutes Thursday, July 22nd, 2021

The meeting of the BPKSA was called to order at 6:30pm by Simran in a Zoom Virtual Meeting. Minimum quorum of 4 executive members reached.

In Attendance:

Simran Prashar ………………………………………………………………………………………………. President

Richelle Carter ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Treasurer

Emily Boyco …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Secretory

Kashish Mehta …………………………………………………………………… SFSS Council Representative

Dawnie Ho ……………………………………………………………………………………… DSU Representative

Jessie Shen ………………………………………………………………………………………. SUS Representative

Sherilyn Chung ………………………………………………………………. BP Department Representative

Jyotnoor Kanwar …………………………………………………………………………… BNSS Representative

Maya Peterson …………………………………………………………………….. BPK Peer Mentorship Exec

Nathan Lee ………………………………………………………………… BPK Peer Mentorship Co-Director

Open Issues:

1) Approval of Previous Minutes
– Richelle motioned to approve the meeting minutes of 2021-06-8. Kashish seconded.

Minutes approved unanimously.

2) BPK Peer Mentorship

  • –  Goal to help new students transition into University life!
  • –  BPK101 is an upcoming event they will be involved in.

    o We will meet again with BPK Peer Mentorship members to continue planning this

    o Wewillalsodiscussprizing/offering‘goodie-bags’

    3) Strava Fitness Challenge

– Congratulations to our Winners

o Winnershaveallbeencontacted

– Event Debrief

o What worked well, changes for future events? o What BPKSA members liked:

o Cons:

▪ Weekly updates on socials (and prize announcements)

• This was a good reminder for people to join in!

▪ Extra Challenge (Hug a Tree challenge on Instagram) ▪ Letting participants know they can join in at any time ▪ Strava

▪ Not many people interacted with the Hug a Tree Challenge.

• We may need to improve advertisement on this or offer a larger incentive

▪ Only over Instagram – we should expand to other social media platforms (ie. Facebook)

o We now have double the viewers on our story (from posting consistently)! We

should attempt to keep up with this

– Reimbursements

4) SUS Welcome Week Activity

  • –  Activity Planning

    o Write-up due Tuesday, July 27th

    o General Flow, platform, and duration of activity

  • –  Event can be up to 2 hours.
  • –  Will likely take place the week of August 23rd.
  • –  Live event or not?

o Or could be live and also recording
o Or could just be a live event (& have a recording where people can go back and

see what happened)
o We have decided to hold the event live & not recorded

– Ideas for our activity:
o Video scavenger hunt (we could place items around the school)
o Activity where we go over tips & tricks
o We have decided to go with the Scavenger Hunt idea (same rules as the way we

played during Year End Party)
▪ As students get faster, we can make the words twice as long
▪ Also: no repeated objects that have already been used in a previous


  • –  Scavenger hunt planned over Google drive.

    o If anyone has anything to add please add it to the google drive

    o Need to make a presentation for instructions and introduction

  • –  We have a set time-frame so people aren’t joining in the middle of the game: need to

    make that clear to people

  • –  using zoom would be best
  • –  Do we even want to do this?:

    o wemaynothavepeopleavailabletofacilitate o Need more clarity from SUS

5) BPK 101

  • –  Event Planning
  • –  With Peer Mentorship

    6) SFSS/SUS/DSU Updates

– Updates?

7) Miscellaneous:

  • –  Check out the BPKSA Google Drive
  • –  Extra meeting before next semester
  • –  Have another meeting next week:

    o need to plan a lot for BPK101
    o Simran will send out doodle poll o We will try to apply for a grant


    Kashish motioned to reimburse Simran $40.50 from core for the cost of the Strava Fitness Challenge. Jessie seconded.
    Donnie motioned to reimburse Simran $219.50 from Grant#1268. Kashish seconded. Sherilyn motioned to reimburse Richelle $145 from Grant #1268. Donnie seconded.


    The meeting of the BPKSA was adjourned by Simran at 7:57pm in the BPK Virtual Zoom Meeting. The next meeting will be held on Zoom on Thursday, July 29th at 6:30pm (link will be distributed via email prior to the meeting).