Minutes – Jan 5, 2017

Meeting Minutes

Thursday, Jan 5, 2017



The meeting of the BPKSA was called to order at 1:00pm by Jordan in the BPK Graduate Student Lounge.


In Attendance:

Emily B., Crystal, Jaskarn, Alex, Alam, Emily C., Jordan, Omid, Erin, Bader, Darleen, Ivy


Open Issues:

Exec Positions for Spring

-an election was held for the Departmental Rep, Biomedical Physiology position and Bader was unanimously elected

-the election for treasurer will be held at next week’s meeting, if you are interested in running please email Megan (bpksa@sfu.ca)!


Careers in BPK

-all exhibitors have confirmed

-one Med and one PT speaker cancelled, Darleen will contact SFU MD/PTs to see if they can attend instead

-grant was submitted in mid-December, waiting to hear back still

-Omid will contact the two labs to remind them about the tours

-created a list of reps for classroom presentations

-breakout session rooms are being finalized (IRMACS, AQ3182, AQ3149 are all booked for the entire event), looking into K9500

-Need to organize volunteers for the event


Clubs Days

-AQ table booked for Tues Jan 17th and Wed Jan 18th from 10am-3pm

-could include: Star Trace (potentially candy for taking part/prizes), pens/pins, music (Jordan can supply speakers), info pamphlets/brochures about us and upcoming events


Kin Cup

-decided that the optimal time to hold the event would be the last week of Feb or first week of March (March dates are preferred)

-Ivy will contact Rec to gather a list of available dates


BPK Research Day Organizing Committee

-are looking for 1-2 student volunteers to sit in on the committee and help plan the March 31st event

-about 5 meetings will be in held in advance of the event on Thursday afternoons

-please email Megan (bpksa@sfu.ca) if you are interested


Ideas for Events this Semester

-Year End Party, Trivia/Pub Nights, Bouldering, Hiking



Omid motions to allocate up to $100 each for Erin Williams, Konrad Maludzinski, Reed Johnson, Natalie Yeung, Chad Williams, Ciara McDaniel, Katriana Wong, Matthew Butt, Erin Doherty, Julia Zhou, Francis Aranton, Ashwin Singh, Kreig Yeh, Jonathon Yu, Matteo Gazzola, Matthew Fogliato, Andrea Forer, Elaine Lam, Madelin Neufeld, Arshia Zarrin, Alison Mckay, Lois Lee, Santiago Swindle & Lucas Zayonc for the Kin Games 2017 from the Travel & Conference Fund. Bader seconds. The motion was passed unanimously.



The meeting of the BPKSA was adjourned by Jordan at 2:00pm in the BPK Graduate Student Lounge. The next meeting will be held on Thursday Jan 12, 2017 at 1:00pm in the BPK Graduate Student Lounge.