Minutes – March 13th, 2019


The meeting of the BPKSA was called to order at 1:30pm by Riley in the BPK Conference Room. Minimum quorum of 4 executive members reached.


In Attendance:

Riley Welyk  …….……….……………………………………………………………………………………. President

Ben Chang ………………………………………….……………………………………………………. Vice President

Jaskarn Grewal …………………………………………………………………………………………. Treasurer

Emily Ponton .………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Secretary

Nicole Whittle .……………………………………………………………… Kin Department Representative

Alam Khehra …….…………………………………………………………………. SFSS Forum Representative

Emily Boyco ………………………………………………………….………………… External Relations Officer


Open Issues:

1) Approval of Previous Minutes

  • Ben motioned to approve the meeting minutes of 2019-03-06. Jaskarn seconded. Minutes approved unanimously


2) Trivia Night Review  

  • More grad students showed up, not many undergrads
  • Advertising for next time
    • Put posters up earlier
    • Make Instagram posts along with FB posts
      • There might be other ways to advertise online too so more people can see the posts
    • Mention it to faculty so they can tell their students about events too


3) Kin Cup

  • March 29th, 5:30-8pm in East Gym
  • Tony mentioned that we might be able to have the social in the new pub instead of Ilia, but we’ll have to touch base with him about this





4) Clothing Orders

  • The previous person that we used to be in contact with for previous orders no longer works there, so Riley called and talked to someone who verified that they received the email
  • We haven’t had a confirmation from the company though whether the order has been processed yet or not
    • Will try to get in contact with the company again to see what is going on with the order


5) YEP

  • We’re going to have the event at the DAC
  • Emily B is in the process of making posters for the event, so we can start advertising more after Kin Cup
  • We were thinking of having online sales for the tickets
    • Alam is going to set up the online system for ticket sales
      • Allows you to use your phone to check-in people and sell tickets
      • Also if people want to pay up front for tickets instead of online, cash payments are still possible since purchases are monitored online
    • Tickets – $5 early bird price that ends on March 29th at 12am, $8 after that and at the door
    • Food – Little Italy pasta buffet (about $18/person)
      • Ordering the chicken/pesto and marinara pasta options
        • Ben is going to place the order with SFU catering
      • Est about 50 people
      • SFSS covers $6/person
    • BNSS would like to collaborate for the YEP
      • Riley is going to meet up with them on Friday to discuss more of the event details with them



Emily B motioned to reimburse Riley $149.74 for the BPK Trivia Night event from Grant #996.  Ben seconded it. Motion was passed unanimously.



The meeting of the BPKSA was adjourned by Riley at 2:40pm in the BPK Conference Room. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 20th, 2019 at 1:30pm in the BPK Conference Room.